力学学科现为江苏省重点学科。学科依托1个国家级国际联合研究中心(高端装备关键结构健康管理国际联合研究中心)、1个国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心、以及4个省部级科研机构。在2012 年国家第三轮学科评估中,本学科排名26 位,目前已形成5个研究方向。
博导:骆英 教授/博士(负责人)、Fuh-Gwo Yuan教授/博士、许伯强教授/博士、陈玳珩教授/博士、王钟羡教授/博士
博导:毕勤胜 教授/博士(负责人)、张正娣 教授/博士
该方向主要研究工业流体力学及工程中的多相流与复杂流动、荷电多相流理论及在工程中的应用及湍流减阻理论及流体机械及工程中的复杂流体动力学, 内容涉及国民经济发展的多个重要行业,同时与能源利用和环境保护领域密切相关,甚至在国防科技的一些子领域内也经常能体现出本方向研究成果的关键作用。近年来,该方向先后完成并正在承担国家自然科学基金项目10余项、国家发改委高技术产业发展重大项目、国家863项目、教育部科学技术重点研究项目、教育部博士点基金项目、国家中小企业创新基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金及企业委托项目等40余项,获国家科技进步二等奖1项,教育部科技进步二等奖2项,其他省部级二等奖3项,三等奖4项,发表学术论文260余篇,SCI、EI检索150余篇,出版专著2部,获省部级科技成果奖7项,授权国家发明专利30余项。
博导:王成原 教授/博士(负责人)、刘金兴 教授/博士、朱建国教授/博士
该方向主要在工程结构的损伤、耐久性和防灾减灾,以及岩土力学两个子方向开展研究。致力于研究工程结构中与力学相关的一些挑战性课题,如大型工程结构的损伤、耐久性、退化等力学行为的研究、CFRP索预应力大跨混凝土智能桥梁控制以及“绿色” 建筑中的力学问题等。近年来,该方向已承担国家自然科学基金12项,国家“863计划”项目1项,国家科技支撑计划项目1项,其它省部级项目10项,获教育部自然科学一等奖1项,其它省部级奖1项,发表论文160余篇,其中SCI、EI检索80余篇,完成鉴定4项,出版著作5部。
博导:陆建飞 教授/博士(负责人)、刘荣桂 教授/博士
联系人:郝老师,18361817175, hwf2016@ujs.edu.cn
王老师,13914559500, wzp@ujs.edu.cn
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Fellows in the Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science of Jiangsu University
Jiangsu University (JSU) is among the top 100 universities in China with a history of over one hundred years. In 1981, JSU was among the first batch of colleges and universities authorized the right for conferring Ph.D, master and bachelor degrees. It is located at the beautiful and famous Chinese historical and cultural city—Zhenjiang of Jiangsu province.
The discipline of mechanics belongs to the key disciplines of Jiangsu Province. The discipline is supported by one international joint research center (International Joint Research Center for Health Management on Key Structure of the High-End Equipment), one National Research Center for Pump and Systemic Engineering Technology, and four provincial or ministerial research organizations. In the 3rd round discipline assessment by the Ministry of Education in 2012, the discipline of mechanics in JSU was ranked 26. Currently, the discipline of mechanics in JSU has formed the following five research areas.
(1) The Coupling Theory for the Force Field and Multi-Physical Fields in Smart Material Structures and the Fracture and Damage Theory for Structures
The coupling between the force field and multi-physical fields in the heterogeneous solid medium subjected to heat, electrical and magnetical fields as well as chemical action and the fuction failure occuring in the medium are investigated in this direction. Our research in this direction begins with the macro scale, and then probes into meso and micro scales. Based on the research in this direction, we aim to accomplish the desired functions of the smart material structure and the micro/nano scale apparatus, to solve the cutting edge problems in the design and integrated manufacture of new material structures and to develop new fracture and damage theories.
In the recent ten years, our research group accomplished two national "863" plan project, six National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) programs, one national defense pre-research project, one doctoral fund project of ministry of education, more than ten other projects at the provincial level and several university-enterprise cooperation projects. At present, our research group is undertaking one national natural science key international cooperation projects, four NSFC programs, one special research funding for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education Development Priority Areas, six provincial projects, and several university-enterprise cooperation projects. Recently, the group has published 220 papers, 150 of which are indexed in SCI (Science Citation Index) and EI (Engineering Index) and four monographs, three of which are in english and one is textbook. Eleven patents of the group have been warranted. One professor in our group is elected as the innovative leader in the science and technology of mechanical engineering, and one professor was awarded as the advanced individual of Jiangsu Province in technical innovation and enterprise venture. Recently, we have won one first prize of scientific and technological progress of Jiangsu province, one second prize of Ministry of Education National Natural Science Award, and one science and technology progress prize from Zhenjiang city.
Supervisors: Prof. Ying Luo (director), Prof. Fuh-Gwo Yuan, Prof. Baiqiang Xu, Prof. Daiheng Chen, Prof. Zhongxian Wang
The Ph.D graduates with the following backgrounds are welcome to join us: multi-field coupling, smart material structures, fracture and damage theory for structures, non-destructive testing and structure health management. Ph.D graduates who engage in the design of mechanical and electrical apparatus, instrumentation design, automation control, and ultrasonic phased array design etc are especially welcome to participate in the research of the key international cooperation project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSCF). In addition to the remuneration afforded by the state and university, the group will provide additional allowances for the enrolled post-doctoral fellows.
(2) Nonlinear Dynamics, Control and their Applications
We lay emphasis on the crossing and penetration of mechanics and other disciplines, e.g., physics, chemistry and engineering. We center around the theories of nonlinear systems and their applications, and we have carried out systematic and thorough research works in the aforementioned area, whereby two major characteristic directions, namely, “complex dynamical behaviors in nonlinear systems with multiple time scales” and “irregular bifurcation behaviors in non-smooth vibration systems” have already been established. In recent years, we have undertaken one young-middle aged academic leader project from the Qing-Lan Project of Jiangsu Province, one project for the innovative talent of Jiangsu Province, and one outstanding young academic leader project from the Qing-Lan Project of Jiangsu Province. Besides, we have undertaken one key project of NSFC, one project of New Century Excellent Talents of China’s Ministry of Education, fourteen general projects of NSFC, six ministry (provincial) projects. We have published more than 150 papers, more than 100 papers of which are indexed in SCI. With the research findings obtained in our group, we won the third-class award of science and technology of Jiangsu Province in 2015.
Supervisors: Prof. Qinsheng Bi (director), Prof. Zhengdi Zhang
Doctorate recipients, whose research topics are “complex dynamical behaviors in nonlinear systems with multiple time scales” and “irregular bifurcation behaviors in non-smooth vibration systems”, are welcome to be a postdoctoral researcher in our group.
(3) Industrial Fluid Mechanics and Multiphase Flow and Complex Flow in Engineering(School of Energy and Power Engineering)
The research of our group focuses on the following areas: multiphase flow and complex flow in industrial fluid mechanics and engineering, charged multiphase flow theory and its engineering application, turbulence drag-reducing theory and complex fluid mechanics in fluid machinery and engineering. The aforementioned research directions are relevant to many major industries of national economy, and have close relations with energy utilization and environmental protection. The pivotal role of the achievements of the above research directions is even embodied in some sub-fields of the defense-related science and technology. The direction has undertaken ten programs supported by NSFC, and other forty programs funded by ministries and provinces. Our group has won many important research awards, among which seven were provincial or ministry-level advanced science and technology awards. More than 260 academic papers, which are indexed in SCI and EI, have been published in international journals and two monographs are published by our group. Thirty national invention patents of our group are warranted.
Supervisor: Prof. Junfeng Wang (director) and Prof. Changfeng Li
Doctors and researches who are in the fields of multiphase flow, thermal physics, fluid mechanics, multiphase flow and heat transfer, charged multiphase flow theory and application, complex fluid mechanics in fluid machinery and engineering, turbulence drag-reducing and flow control are welcome to join our research group.
(4) Micro/Nano Mechanics, Basis for Multiscale Mechanics and Testing Technology
Our research team focuses on the fabrication method and technology of the micro-nano deformation carrier, the new experimental residual stress test methods for thermal barrier coatings at macro and micro scales, the dynamic behaviors of nano-composite materials, molecular dynamics simulations, and high speed rotor dynamic simulations under multi-factor coupling, and the damage and fracture of heterogeneous brittle materials. This direction has won the second prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, the second prize for Jiangsu Provincial Science & Technology Progress and the second prize of Chinese Machinery Industrial Science and technology. In recent five years, this direction has completed one key project of NSFC, and one 973 research project, eight NSFC projects and six provincial and ministerial level projects. More than 300 papers have been published and more than 90 and 170 articles have been indexed by SCI and EI, respectively. Thirty patents have been forwarded and six of them have been authorized.
Supervisors: Prof. Chengyuan Wang (director), Prof. Jinxing Liu, and Prof. Jianguo Zhu
The Ph.D graduates with the following backgrounds are welcome to join us: Micro/nano mechanics, multiscale mechanics and testing technology, the damage and fracture theory of heterogeneous brittle materials, constitutive relations and plastic mechanics of metal materials of micro-nano scale.
(5) Key Problems of Mechanics in Engineering Structures
Research works in our team involves the following two primary areas: durability of engineering structures as well as disaster prevention, and geotechnics. The group aims to solve challenging problems arising in mechanics and engineering structures, such as, the durability and life prediction of steel reinforced concretes under the coupled action of corrosion, force and other environmental factors; intelligent vibration control of CFRP cable-stayed bridges and anchorage systems and mechanics problems relevant to green buildings; earthquake engineering, nonlinear consolidation in structural soft soils and environmental geotechnology. Recently, the group has attracted twelve fundings from NSFC, one funding from 863 Plan, one funding from National Technology Supporting Program and other ten fundings from Jiangsu Province. With the obtained achievements, the team has won one first class science award of Education Ministry, one provincial award. The publications of the team consist of five treaties and over 160 journal paper, 80 papers of which are indexed by SCI and EI.
Supervisors: Prof. Jianfei Lu (director) and Prof. Ronggui Liu
Our laboratory is an international joint research center (International Joint Research Center for Health Management on Key Structure of the High-end Equipment). We are currently undertaking a key project for international cooperation and exchange from NSFC, which is mainly concerned with development of a rapid non-contact inspection system for accurate damage imaging in large-scale structures, a key research project supported by NSFC, which involves the complicated behaviors as well as mechanisms of nonlinear dynamical systems with multiple scales), and several NSFC general and young projects. To promote our research works further, we are now recruiting five postdoctoral research fellows all over the world.
1.The applicant should have a PhD degree and be in good health. The age of the applicant should not be larger than forty.
2.The applicant should have a solid background in engineering mechanics, physics, materials science, instrumentation or other relevant majors.
3.The applicant needs to be highly motivated in scientific research, have a strong sense of innovation and teamwork, have the ability to conduct research works independently. Also, the applicant should have published certain number of papers in the prestigious international journals.
4.The applicant should fulfill the recruitment requirements for the postdoctoral fellow set by Jiangsu University.
For salary and welfare, the applicant may refer to the relevant regulations of the National Postdoctor Regulatory Commission and Jiangsu University. The main items are as follows:
1.The postdoctoral fellow can enjoy the same benefits as the faculty staff.
5.Annual salary: the salary standard is determined with reference to that for the median of lecturers (currently around 100,000 RMB per year). If the applicant can be awarded by the “Excellent Postdoctoral Support Program” of the university, the salary can be up to 160,000~200,000 RMB per year.
6.Accommodation: the postdoctoral fellow can choose whether to rent the apartment provided by the university when he/she enters the postdoctoral research station. The apartment can be applied freely and they will be assigned on a first come first served rule. A rent allowance of 900 RMB per month will be offered by JUS and it can be used to pay for the rent of the apartment. (900 RMB can be paid for renting an apartment with one living room and two bedrooms according to the house price of Zhenjiang.)
7.Funding opportunities: the postdoctoral fellow can apply for various research grants and awards such as Hong Kong Scholar Program, China and Germany Postdoctoral Exchange Program, the International Postdoctoral Exchange Program, Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program, funding from NSFC, funding from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation etc.
Procedures for Recruitment
1. Interested applicants may email your CV,representative publications and other relevant documentations demonstrating the academic ability and performance of the applicant.
2. The applicant who has passed the primary selection should further submit two recommendation letters, one of which should be provided by the applicant’s Ph.D supervisor. The template for the recommendation letter is available via the website: http://www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn .
3. Attend the face to face interview and the medical examination, followed by other subsequent procedures.
June 30, 2017
Dr. Hao and Dr. Wang
Tel: (86) 18361817175, (86) 13914559500
Email: hwf2016@ujs.edu.cn, wzp@ujs.edu.cn
Address: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Jiangsu University
301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province.
Postal Code:212013