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 地点:四川  发布时间:2016/11/1 14:47:40 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2017/6/10  会议结束时间:2017/6/12


The First International Conference on Rail Transportation is an open forum for scientists, researchers, and engineers around the world to promote the exchange of the latest scientific and technological innovations in rail transportation; and to advance the state-of-the-art in engineering and practices for various types of rail-based transportation systems.


The conference series would cover all main areas of rail vehicles, infrastructure, traction power, operation, communication, and environment, including the following topics:

dynamics and mechanics of rail vehicles, track, and bridge systems

planning and design, construction, operation, inspection, and maintenance of rail infrastructure

train operation, control, scheduling and management

rail electrification

signaling and communication

environmental impacts such as vibration and noise

E-MAIL: icrt2017@home.swjtu.edu.cn

会议网站: http://www.icrt-swjtu.org/

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